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Main idea of Checkstyle project is to automate and to ease code-review process; to assist developers in complying with the company's Code-standard, and allow them to fix and eliminate any minor problem upon just saving the file. We are strongly convinced that it is much more easier and convenient to catch minor traps in code during writing than after committing/pushing. This project contains a number of Checks that can help program engineers to write code in a uniform style, which makes it easier for the whole team of programmers to review the code, also significantly improves the low threshold of understanding for new developers.

This project is a backport of Checkstyle to be used with older Java runtime environments, like Java 8, for users who can't upgrade to newer versions. Backport is managed unofficially by the community, and not by the Checkstyle team.


Backport tries to update as soon as new, official Checkstyle releases come out, but we may fall behind a few days for various reasons. The current list of Backport releases that are supported can be found at here.

Standalone Use

Nothing has changed in backport from the main Checkstyle project in terms on how to run the standalone, CLI usage. The current instructions for the Checkstyle CLI can be found here.

To download backport's standalone JARs, use the following https URL schema:

Note: Remember to replace the 2 instances of XXXX with the version of the release you wish to use. You only need to use the numerical version (XX.X), not the full project name.

Maven Use

Though this page is a simple GithubIO site, it is backport's way of giving out releases and so doubles as our fully functional maven repository. Below is an example on how to setup Maven to use backport's repository:




Note: Remember to replace version's XXX with the version of the release you wish to use. You only need to use the numerical version (XX.X), not the full project name.

Download Source

You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.

You can also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone git://